Nippon Genetics LS4301HR FastGene IC Green One Step Mix Hi-Rox (100) 100

上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供Nippon Genetics LS4301HR FastGene IC Green One Step Mix Hi-Rox (100) 100,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购

品牌 货号 产品名称 规格 价格

Nippon Genetics LS4301HR FastGene IC Green One Step Mix Hi-Rox (100) 100 2529.00

Nippon Genetics LS41S FastGene IC Green 2x qPCR Fluorescin (10) 10 102.00

Nippon Genetics LS4150 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal with Fluorescein (5000) 5000 18561.00

Nippon Genetics LS4105 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal with Fluorescein (500) 500 2570.00

Nippon Genetics LS4101 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal with Fluorescin (100) 100 612.00

Nippon Genetics LS40S FastGene IC Green 2x qPCR Universal (10) 10 102.00

Nippon Genetics LS4050 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal (5000) 5000 18561.00

Nippon Genetics LS4005 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal (500) 500 2570.00

Nippon Genetics LS4001 FastGene 2x IC Green Universal (100) 100 612.00

Nippon Genetics LS36s FastGene HIFI 2x HS Master Mix (10 rxn) 10 rxn 111.00

Nippon Genetics LS36 FastGene HIFI 2x HS Master Mix (100 rxn) 100 rxn 2054.00

Nippon Genetics LS34s FastGene apTaq HotStart Polymerase (25 U) 25 U 102.00

Nippon Genetics LS34 FastGene apTaq HotStart Polymerase (500 U) 500 U 1203.00

Nippon Genetics LS33S FastGene BAC free HS TAQ (25 U) 25 U 102.00

Nippon Genetics LS33 FastGene BAC free HS TAQ (500 Units) 500 Units 1672.00

Nippon Genetics LS31 FastGene Optima HotStart ReadyMix (20×50 µl rxns, 0.5 ml) 20x50ul rxns, 0.5 ml 102.00

Nippon Genetics LS29 FastGene Optima HotStart Ready Mix (6,25 ml) 6,25 ml 1652.00

Nippon Genetics LS27 FastGene Taq 2x Ready Mix (250 rxns) 2×Taq即用型预混液 250 rxns 1367.00

Nippon Genetics LS26 FastGene Taq 2x Ready Mix (50 rxns) 2×Taq即用型预混液 50 rxns 111.00

Nippon Genetics LS22 FastGene Taq DNA Polymerase (2000 U) Taq DNA聚合酶 2000 U 2019.00