millipore滤芯MCGL40S03 MCGL40S03


millipore滤芯MCGL40S03 Millidisk® Cartridge 40-stack 0.22 µm Hydrophilic millipore滤芯MCGL40S03


Millidisk® Cartridge 40-stack 0.22 µm Hydrophilic

孔径:0.22 µm



过滤面积:2000 cm²

zui大压差: Forward: 4.1 bar (60 psid) @ 25°C; 1.7 bar (25 psid) @ 80°C; 0.35 bar (5 psid) @ 123°C; Reverse: 0.7 bar (10 psid) @ 25°C

zui 大入口压力:Forward- 4.1 bar (60 psi) @ 25°C; 1.7 bar (25 psi) @ 80°C; 0.35 bar (5 psi) @ 123°C; Reverse- 0.7 bar (10 psi) @ 25°C

mie菌:5个SIP循环,60分钟@135°C;5 个高压mie菌循环,每次 60 分钟 @ 126°C

细 菌保留:Samples were quantitatively retentive of a minimum Brevundimonas diminuta challenge concentration of 1 x 10⁷CFU/cm² using ASTM®F838 methodology.

密封材料:Silicone (SI)

23°C时起泡点:≥3450mbar (50psig) air with water

流量:53 L/min @ 2.8bar ΔP